What are joomla templates?
Luckily Joomla templates are quite easy to build if you're already a skilled designer. Joomla templates can be grouped into roughly 3 categories:
free joomla templates
joomla template clubs
commercial joomla templates
Free templates are obviously free!
Why commercial joomla templates?
Commercial joomla templates can be of significant value to you as a Joomla website administrator. can be of exceptionally high quality - you'll generally find joomla template designers churn out some of the best looking templates for any CMS on the market. Buyer beware, there are also commercial joomla templates out there who sacrifice quality for quantity! Bestofjoomla.com is a great site for getting great feedback on joomla template designers.
Check out the joomla template creators website and make sure you can get support online. If you've not yet had a chance to play would Joomla!
Favorite Joomla Template Provider
Templatepiggie.com is a marketplace that allows users to offer, sell and buy templates for websites in a variety of pricing formats and locations. The actual contract for sale is directly between the sellers and buyers.
New content is continually added to the Templatepiggie.com archive, so there is always something new!
All graphics and templates provided on Templatepiggie.com come with the right to use them in all types of projects. There are absolutely no additional fees beyond the price which you pay in our market.